
When we decided to go to Peru in the autumn of 1998, to do a part of our assistence, we did not know to what we had agreed to. Even when Mr.Görgens told us a lot about Peru and our place of work, the Hospital del Nino, there still was a doubt, if this had been the right decision. When we arrived in Peru our doubts were fast gone. We were welcomed heartily and everybody was very obliging towards us. The work in the hospital was very interesting and the doctors explained everything to us.
Especially the work in the plastic surgery was thrilling. There we were allowed to help not only in the emergency but also in the surgery for a few days. It was impressive how parents came from far away to bring their children to a hospital. They often had been on the road for days to reach the hospital.
We got to see a lot of interesting cases which we would have never seen in a German hospital. Skin diseases caused by parasites and the huge number of patients with tuberculosis do not exist in German. The hygienical conditions and the supply of food and clean water can be considered as very bad. Especially in the shanty towns of Lima, which we got to see, conditions are a catastrophe. Too many people and too many animals live together under the worst conditions. Also the amount of garbage which lies around is alarming.
What has been most impressive was our work in the hospital ward for burned children. A lot of households do not have electricity, many people still cook over open fire. This explains why there are so many accidents with the worst kinds of burnings. At this ward we assisted in eight surgeries every day. We will never forget the sight of this burned children and the experiences we made in the surgery.
What has also been very interesting was our day in the genetical department of the hospital. There research is being done on a high level. It became clear that the standard knowledge is high, but money and material is lacking to put their knowledge into action. In our free time we were able to see a lot of Lima but we are sorry that we could not see more of Peru except Lima. But Lima offers a lot of sightseeing and beautiful places. We also got to know a lot of nice people with whom we did a lot of stuff.
Altogether you can say that the Peruvians are very nice and politely. Especially their hospitality strikes you. What has been really good was the Peruvian food. The wealth in different fruit and vegetables, which we did not know most of the time, were extremely delicious. We also drank a lot of the national drink 'Pisco Saur'.
We have to say that Peru has been the best thing to happen for our assistence. Not only the experiences in the hospital, but also the experiences with the patients have been very positive and have taught us a lot. We both hope that we have the possibility to go to Peru again to see the rest of the country and to visit our new Peruvian friends.

Justus & Benedikt

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